I'm back,
after a very, very long 'blogging' vacation' or rather, a leave of absense. I had, on numerous occasions, debated whether to just completely 'delete' my blogs and just be done with all of it,
the writing, activism,
and just return to the shelter of domesticality.
Its been a struggle...a Spiritual struggle, more than anything because, loe and behold, when I first started seeking answers, from God, I had sought answers to my 'complaints' of 'injustices' and especially those towards women.
Of course, you see, when the Holy Spirit gets a hold of a person, He does reveal His love, to you, but, then comes, the real messy stuff,
He reveals, the ugly stuff, sin, the nastiness, of yourself.
Oh yea, then, your entire perceptions and long held beliefs get Entirely turned upside down, when you realize,
that, YOU, the judge and juror,
are the one, being Judged, by a Holy God, by His standards and His laws,
then, its a different ballgame. Then, its not so much, you victim, the world the wrong one...that includes, yes, Men. Oh yea,
ugly little truth that we like to not see, but truth nethertheless. And guarantee you, it is the same for any Man who gets Real and Honest before a Holy God and sees himself in God's light, not in his own 'male entitlement' light,
God's ways are not our ways nor His thoughts our thoughts. But God is just,
and God is kind. And in His loving Grace and Kindness, through the Redemption in Jesus Christ, and ONLY through Jesus Christ,
does He begin to not only Show us our true state, but He begins to work in our hearts, to restore our souls, and to give back, what the locusts have eaten....
He shows you, if you truly SUBMIT to His Lordship, what LOVE really is...not just Love for Him, but Love for others, both men AND women. God is no respector of persons [Acts10:34],
what He requires of men He requires of women and vice versa.
The 'traditions' of the world and religions and of patriarchs, may have some parts of scripture woven in, but they are hardly, the Truth of God. NOR do they portray the TRUE CHARACTER OF GOD,
in fact, many of them, are down right BLASPHEMOUS.
God is, I have found, NOT A MISOGYNIST,
AND God will, repay, all those who harm girls, women, children....be ASSURED OF THAT.
Any teaching, that condones or allows the mistreatment, rape, kidnapping, abuse of women, is NOT of God,
period. That is the Bible...there IS no getting around it, you either believe it, or you don't.
Many have taken the 'submission' scriptures and have twisted them to not just enable abuse of women but to indoctrinate women to tolerate abuse or to accept it as God's assignment for them, but through months of prayer and studying and seeking God's Perfect Will, I have been seeing, through the Holy Spirit, how the warped sinful nature of man, has twisted, scripture, for their own selfish agendas. Women can do this too...anyone can, that is what it means, to
mold 'gods' in our own image.
But, in saying this, let me stress this, because it is of Vital Importance,
while God in His Loving Character does in no way Abuse or Condone the Abuse of Women, or of anyone for that fact,
He doesn't allow us, to 'pay back' or to 'revile' or to 'hate' or to 'overthrow'....contrary to what many have espoused, even using scriptures,
but God commands us, to submit and to learn
NOT to men, but to GOD.
God, is looking for, obedience, because the first sin...committed by BOTH Adam and Eve, not just Eve as the 'liars' like to say,
is that of
Now, before your head pops off in rage...because in a world where authority is so abused by Evil and Wicked men,
what God wants for Obedience, isn't from this nature of a Tyrant, Abusive, Misogynist God,
hardly, but from a Loving Father [and yes, a Loving Mother, because God is Spirit, He isn't a man, He clearly states so in His Word...and He has both male-female character and reveals himself-herself as both...not as a 'goddess' no, but as God, the Trinity, God, reveals Herself--Himself, but as Her, when He refers to 'She' as Wisdom...Proverbs, written by Solomon, but Proverbs is more a book for women, and to the powerless, in a world consumed by the ambition of abuse and power. There are many 'jewels' for women in the Bible, that are so overlooked by the Mainstream 'church' that its not even funny...
and I will begin to share them here, because one thing I have found in my journey, is that Jesus, is a feminist's best friend,
a woman's best friend.
I would rather Jesus be my defense now, because I KNOW, one day, He is, going to make all those who willfully and in their refusal to come to Him, who abuse women and even more so, who abuse children--women included here, --to give account, and trust me, it is a Fearful thing, to fall into the hands, of a Holy Lord and Holy God. God will forgive, if we repent,
but for those who Refuse to Repent,
repent mean turning away and letting Christ transform them, its more than just 'believing' He exists,
well, ain't nothing going to save them, put it that way. Because 'no flesh' will be justified in the sight of God, period.
All have sinned, All have fallen short of the glory of God [Romans, read entire book]
Well, anyway, so, in this journey, God has been doing a lot of work, in Me, in my life, and its not been a 'fun' journey, my sins and iniquities are piled so high that without God's grace through Jesus, I'd be damned, to eternal hell. Let me really state that to you all and make that Very clear,
and well, that's everyone, and if you don't believe that, just ask God, to reveal it to you...go to His light, and He'll show you.
That is what Redemption is, not of our 'works' lest any man/woman should boast, don't matter How much you pray a day, don't matter How much you fast, don't matter How much you chant or How much you are 'religious' or How much you go to church or How much you don't drink or sleep around,
if you ever lusted in your heart--you've sinned against God, if you've ever hated anyone in your heart--you've sinned against God, if you've ever had one evil thought or pride thought, of your own righteousness--you've sinned against God, if you've ever 'judged' anyone--you've sinned against God...
ONLY through the accepting of God's gift, Grace--the Blood Redemption work of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, are we saved, from Hell,
Believe me, as God has ripped open the 'veil' off my eyes and has shown me the depths of the base sinful nature and I have tried to rid myself of that nature, that nature has gotten stronger and that is what is 'sin',
its a 'law', a spiritual law, because NO one will be 'gods' except God. Any attempt to force oneself into Heaven by their own 'righteousness' is that pride nature--of Satan, that 'I will be god',
the thing is, though, its Soooooo deceptive, because it can look sooooooo good.
That is what the tree of knowledge of 'good and evil' is, that fruit,
totally opposite from that Tree of LIFE.
And the amazing thing is, as God has shown me my true 'fallen' nature self [not the self that He created me to be, before the fall--He is showing that to me now and that is what it means, when David says, that He restores our soul],
is that He has been showing me, how He truly sees and LOVES women.
And its not, what so many think.
Its not about 'gender roles' as the super-patriarchs like to pro-claim. Those are the rudiments and traditions of MEN,
not the commands of God.
NOT that God didn't command, under the old covenant and the new covenant, gender rules, He did, but NOT for the reasons, often proclaimed, and not in the 'way' they are often, proclaimed. But because of SIN,
there is, yes, in THIS WORLD, a hierarchy, not designed by God, but the result of Sin...disobedience to God,
that wanting 'independence' from God.
The thing is though, we weren't created, to be 'independent' from God, we were created, For God,
this is a hard one to swallow, and that is because of our sinful natures, what Paul calls the Carnal man, our carnal nature can't grasp this, because our carnal nature, is that fallen nature.
But now, here's the Beauty, of being created, For God's pleasure,
that I have been finding,
God is LOVE.
That is right, LOVE,
we were created for LOVE's pleasure.
think about it...that includes both men and women.
Not for hate, not for abuse, not for tyranny, not for fear, not for oppression, not for slavery,
but for Love.
That is Why, Heaven is Paradise, in God's Holy Presence,
because hate isn't allowed there, of ANY KIND,
God is no respector of persons.
Haters and murder's [who don't repent] won't get into Heaven, nor will sorcerers or liars or those who love the lie.
That lie, btw, is the 'religious' lie...the 'philosophical' lie, the 'political' lie, that 'I am righteous' and don't need Christ's redemption and lordship Lie.
And here's the awesome thing about Christ's Lordship,
He didn't come to rule as a tyrant,
God, Himself, reconciled both Men AND Women, to Himself,
sinful, disobedient, self-serving, hating, murdering, stealing, disrespectful, misogynist, child butchering, raping, proud, stubborn, human beings,
who worship the works of their hands, the things of the earth [that God created] yet,
refuse to Love and Submit to God...
God, in His perfect Holiness and LOVE,
showed His true Character, in Jesus Christ,
and His Love, for Women, Elderly, the Sick, the Demon Possessed,
and He, shed His own blood, endured torture, at the hands of the very ones He created,
so He
Save Them.
All they have to do, is come to Him, admit their sins, receive Him, and let Him, change their hearts and spirits.
Wow, what AN AWESOME GOD....
the world thrives on strength and power and abuse and hierarchies and hate,
and Jesus, showed us, leaving HIS place of All POWER AND AUTHORITY, TO COME DOWN IN FLESH..THE WORD MADE FLESH,
TO RECONCILE US TO HIM, because there is no way, we can 'undo' our sins...no way,
and He knew it. And there is no way, we can fulfill the righteousness of the law that GOD requires,
in perfection,
so, He exchanged our sinfulness for His righteousness, what that means is, HE, in us, works to transform us, into His righteousness.
Know what 'righteousness' is?
Its doing, right,
its doing right, to Love God and to Love your neighbor as yourself, neighbor,
not just men, not just women, not just children, not just the rich, not just the poor,
but, to your neighbor.
IF you LOVE,
you don't curse, you don't hit, you don't intimidate, you don't kill, you don't rape, you don't torture, you don't insist on your way, you don't talk hateful, you don't lie and break hope and trust in people, you don't do those things,
because when we LOVE we don't do those things.
To the ones who love us, or to the ones who hate us.
That, summing it up, is obedience,
not easily done, in a world where abuse is rewarded, where wickedness thrives,
but like in Job, chapters 32-36 [read entire book], God says,
He uses affliction, to get our attention, because in our prideful sinful nature, we wouldn't even Seek God,
and that is true.
What God has shown me, through numerous scriptures and in prayer, about women, is that, God has revealed and shared Himself, to women, on ways and on very intimate levels that we often don't see, because our vision is so clouded,
especially by internalizations of abuse.
And I'll close this, for now, with something in Genesis...
when God, spoke to Eve, about what would come about, He didn't 'curse' her, as many say, no where does it say, HE cursed Eve or Adam,
He cursed the serpent [Satan] and the ground,
but not Adam and Eve, but God did say, these things will happen now because of your actions,
to Eve, we always hear the pain in childbirth and so forth...but, if you have a Bible, go and read that, slowly,
God tells the Serpent [Satan] that He will put 'emnity' between him and the WOMAN,
that means, hate.
Evil, will have hate, towards the WOMAN,
and, vice versa.
And then, Satan's seed will hate, her seed...
and vice versa....
not 'seeds' mind you, but 'seed',
Misogyny--is from SATAN.
not from God.
so, the 'hate' of women, is not from God--its from Satan,
and ask yourself, why that is?
Eve, is the 'mother of all living',
if, the tree of knowledge, of good and evil, produces 'death'
the tree of life, produces life.
God works in mysterious ways, His ways are not our ways...
this in NO way, means women, are 'holier' or 'purer' than men, because go back--the serpents seed will hate the seed of woman, and vice versa,
seed can bring forth both male and female.
In the end--the seed, that promised seed, crushes the head of the serpent....[see Revelations]
Through out scripture, I have been finding jewels, of God's love to women, and not that He doesn't love men, because He does,
but the 'jewels' have been deliberately 'ignored' by many 'religious' and misogynists and pro-patriarchal folks,
to condone and be tolerant of the abuse to women AND children,
God sees all, and there isn't Anything, done in secret, that won't be exposed...God Will, repay the wicked, He says so, that includes,
those who harm women, and think they are 'justified' in doing so. Even Jesus said, to the disciples, that there would be those who 'will kill you thinking they are doing God a favor',
He wasn't just talking about the Pharasees, but of those who profess God in future who would butcher and kill and rape
women and peoples.
There is tons more, but I'll close with this for now....but let me say, after all these months, seeking God, seeking answers, I have found them,
and I am at peace. For the first time in my life, I am at peace, and I know Love,
and for the first time, I can really say, I really Don't fear, what 'man' can do to me....because God,
has and is, restoring my soul, removing the poison and the hate, and is showing me, every day, in some of the most intimate of ways, His love, for me...and how Precious, I am to Him,
as His Daughter, a Woman.
And I can say, I trust in Him, with my Soul....
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