Greetings all,
since my last post, I've been going through this 'skeptical' period, for various reasons, and I wanted to give you an update.
I went back to the Scriptures and went to the book of Luke. Then I read Amos. [again] And I came to these conclusions:
1. Its not the scriptures but the 'abuse of scriptures' by men, by institutions, by 'religions' [referring to Christianity here] and the 'influence' of those abuses, that have been spewed for Centuries, have a negative influence, even on one who may not have read the Bible, and do so for the first time, because those 'indoctrinations', false ones I may add, condition us to see through a certain patriarchal 'lens'. Its only when you take the Bible apart, and read it, section by section, and read the entire context--rather than take out, that you see, a very different meaning.
2. Where there is the most abuse of scriptures and especially in 'cult-like' churches that are extremely patriarchal, there is also, an emphasis on Idolatry, love of money or striving for success, and a deeply rooted prejudice against the 'underclass', or those who are 'different'. In other words, the emphasis will always be first, the entitlement to 'subjugate' women, and then, the 'entitlement' to 'have' and if at the expense of others, there will always be 'justifications' along the line of 'us verses them'.
3. The patriarchal churches [or cults, fertility cults] will also gloss over numerous scriptures and 'focus' on the same ones, out of context, over and over and over and over, also, there tends to be a lot of 'money making' ministries that will also utilize the 'misery' that is caused by those teachings, meanwhile, it becomes nothing more than an industry of oppression [subtle] and 'profit off of misery'.
So, what is the answer then, write off Christianity?
Well, I thought about it, I wrestled with it, I even questioned my faith and if there truly was a God or if Jesus existed, I questioned if Jesus only died for 'men'. I even watched a video [by Muslims] that took many scriptures and portrayed the faith as the most misogynist...
but then, I went, and looked at every scripture they used--sure enough--they were taken way out of context and not only that, they were taken way out of the meaning completely,
like, ones that are often pulled from the Old Testament. There is one, that is used a lot, the statements made by Solomon. But if you go back, and read the entire books of Solomon And Proverbs, you will see that what he is saying, is
not that there isn't good women--or that women are inferior, but that, Men tend to have these 'expectations' of this perfect 'fantasy' woman [sounds familiar with men to day] and that, there IS NO SUCH THING,
and Solomon would know, he had like over 500 wives and concubines. This was a man who wanted wisdom, who wanted to find the best that life had to offer, and he found, in the end [the book of Eccl] that all that was worth living for, was a relationship with God and to live a good life, meaning, doing 'good' to others, rather than living for 'gratifying self'.
See you have to be careful with a lot of scriptures because its so easy, to construe a wrong meaning--that is why, the Word is Spirit, and Truth, not literal, 'carnal nature' of man, because we see things, from a very negative and sinful view. [our carnal nature]
Many [not all, but the good ones are very few these days] churches [women haters] will yes, use those scriptures to 'back up their misogyny', but they will completely omit, the hundreds of Other scriptures, where God reveals His Love for women. One book, is Proverbs, in fact, I believe Proverbs was written in a lot of ways, for Women...because Proverbs goes into a lot of wisdom, in how to 'avoid' the wrathful man, such as, beware of those who flatter with words and gifts. [good advice, how many of us know That lesson]
Also, in Proverbs, there is a very similar scripture, like in Eccl, that says, 'who can find a righteous man'?. Not to mention, Wisdom, is called SHE, several times, in the Bible.
When I read Amos, I saw how God hates several things [and will not turn back punishment for either]
1. ethnic cleansing, especially by raping women
2. wealth at the expense of the poor, and if you really read the Bible, the 'greed' of capitalism is no way, supported by Scripture, anywhere.
3. cities and fortresses at the expense of the poor and weak, and on blood [violence]
4. violence, including, gloating over the violence [or taking part in] the plundering of another [and not letting go of anger--meaning, generational revenge, is a big NO NO as far as God is concerned].
There are several other scriptures I found, where God slayed men, Men WHO RAPED women, who cut up women--God hates it. No ands, ifs, ors, buts about it, He hates the oppression of the weak,
in the New Testament, Jesus was very blunt, about the punishment and how God views 'child abuse', that would include forced child marriages, abusing girl children, etc.,
He said, 'it would be better for them [the abuser] to have a millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the sea', and that 'their angels are always before the Face of God, reporting, on how children are treated.'
But what is also neat, about Solomon, was the story about Queen of Sheba, I read that one, and the Lord spoke through Solomon to her, She saw, how even Solomon's servants, were dressed like kings and how they lived and she was impressed,
Solomon treated her with the utmost respect, not once was she bridled for being wise or for being a 'female ruler', and Solomon's kingdom, [apart from the harems] was representative in many ways of God's Heavenly Kingdom--how women AND servants are treated,
Jesus always said, the 'last will be first, the least first, etc.', meaning, the 'hierarchy' of POWER that we value in our world, is not going to be in Heaven,
Jesus said, the greatest in Heaven is the servant here on earth--meaning, that those who have Power and status here, aren't going to be that in Heaven, because Heaven plays by a whole different set of rules--the rules of Love,
not Power, not Hierarchy [other than God and Jesus and the Angels, there is hierarchy but NOT the kind of hierarchy we have on earth], and there IS no abuse of power there.
In Acts, the first 'true' church, was in fact, communal, they distributed among themselves so that NO one was in need---and this is stressed through out the Entire New Testament.
What we have today, in the West, is so far from scripture its not even funny--I say the West because in nations where Christianity is a persecuted faith, the churches there tend to be far more along the ways and behaviors of the early church [Biblical]. Though they may still be patriarchal and misogynist, depending on the 'culture' norms and those are being challenged in many countries [a lot due to necessity for survival].
Maybe that is what it takes though--trial by fire--to purge the power and the greed and the 'sexism' from many a church, it does weed out the chaff from the wheat.
Anyway, so going back to scriptures, I found, that the problem, at least for me, was attempting to 'find' Christ in many churches, when in fact, I found the opposite, I found, a facade, a 'religion' that really, is not that different from the sexism and racism and classism that is in the world,
which leaves me to question then, How much, of the 'culture' of the world, has polluted the church? Well, the Bible says, in the end days, the church would go 'apostate',
and only a 'remnant' would be saved.
So what to do then,
well, after a long struggle, prayer, and self-reflection, I went back, and looked through, many of the 'issues' I used to be so passionate about and it dawned on me, Why was I giving those up? Why was I trying to fit into some 'American Christian mold' and become this woman, that I clearly am not? Was God really the one telling me to become this woman,
or was it 'conditioning'?
So back to the Bible and when I read Luke, then I saw it...the story of Mary, Jesus's mother, the story of Elisabeth, and the story of Anna, the Prophetess. All three of these women, praised God, for His help to them, in a very intimate way,
Mary, said, God was Her Savior [not her husband, like what many patriarchs teach]
Elisabeth said, God removed her reproach [shame] among men, because in those days, a woman's worth was only if she could produce a son...women had no 'societal' worth then, but to God, women had worth, just for being her human self. [and there are numerous scriptures to show this]
Anna, who prayed night and day, prophesied, to Mary and Joseph, [so much for the women don't have any role in the church that misogynists spew today].
Then there is the way, gentle and loving way Jesus treated women--and how God heals women, in the most intimate of ways too, those ways that 'men' deem as unclean, inferior, a curse,
the woman with the bleeding non-stop, whom Jesus healed. Jesus didn't rebuke her, and then, the woman caught in adultery, Jesus didn't condemn her, He only said, sin no more.
The men did though, they tried to stone her, but Jesus said, 'who of you that has no sin, throw the first stone'...then the Bible says, Jesus was writing in the dirt,
made me think, was He writing the Ten Commandments, like He did when He carved them on stone? [the Lord God]
Anyway, after reading Luke, I knew then...what I had to do.
I had to trust in God, and sift through, or dump, the 'wrong teachings', the 'cult indoctrinations that yes, many are taking over many churches' and well, if it means, going it alone--so be it,
and living the Life, in the Micro, because I can't do anything about the Macro. I can do my part--but we can't change it. WE, after all, are not 'gods', we're just clay.
So I'm back, working on ethical consumption, back recycling, being green, back to working in advocacy and one on one with the homeless and poor, back doing the things, I believe in,
and fighting for women's human rights and children's rights. And let me just say,
its good, to be back to my 'good' self again--maybe that is what it means, when it says, Jesus restores to us our soul.
I may not be 'mainstream' Christianity--but that's o.k., because maybe, mainstream, is not the good way--didn't Jesus say, the road to hell is wide, the gates to destruction many go through,
the way to God, is narrow,
and I do believe, that narrow way, is the way of Love [not hedonist love or tolerant to sin love, but Love that seeks the good of others]. Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, NO man-woman, comes to God-Heaven but through ME.
Living the Way, living the Truth, and living the Life--in Christ,
it ain't the 'church', and its not 'easy' either [and He did say, it wouldn't be], especially because, you find yourself, going against the grain,
there is a good web site, I like, that deals with confronting the misogyny in the churches,
I will close, leaving it here.
Peace, Solidarity in Christ, ARE people, Christians, who are confronting the 'false' teachings and the abuses in the modern day churches...there are also, what they call, egalitarians,
so God is working.
So while I may be going against the 'grain', I find, I am not going against the grain, alone...
and that's a good thing, to Praise the Lord about. So, I'm sticking to my faith--just weeding out, the chaff,
while the Lord, does the same, in working in me. [and there is a lot of chaff still, that needs to go I might add, but He's not done with me yet!]