nor will they REPENT OF IT EITHER!
[I've done my confronting of the misogynist Islam, but I think its high time, that we confront the church, for the blatant, continued, SIN OF MISOGYNY]
because, 0h gee,
it would rock the foundation of MALE ENTITLEMENT.
That is why...
I feel, that in this search of mine, this journey, to find out if God is a misogynist or not, that IF, IF I am not careful,
and in any way, seek out even the most off topic thing from the evanglical or mainstream church, I find,
seriously, and WHY is it worse than Islam,
because at least in Islam, they just come out with the misogyny and hate, they don't sugar coat it [except when they are trying to deceive infidels, which is what is termed taqiyya, a type of warfare, to pose as liberal, when in actuality, they are luring one into a snare then its whoosh, down with the sword and forced oppression of women],
but in mainstream Christianity, its more sinister,
in Judaism, they too, are just flat blatant about their loathing of 'woman', same with Catholics, except there is no 'woman', just 'baby maker' of the god fetus,
well, anyway,
in Christianity, EXCLUDING A FEW, I want to interject that point here, there are a FEW that truly do see women as in Christ,
but for the most part, I have one word to describe the the sugar coated 'misogynist' lie still oppressing women in the church,
I can truly now understand WHY so many women have left the faith in its entirety and have embraced goddess beliefs or worse,
its not surprising, after all, be conditioned since birth that God has given the 'male' this entitlement card to
beat his wife
rape his daughters
rape his wife
verbally abuse his wife and children
force his wife to bear numerous children AND then, to neglect them as well, for God's work
the list goes on and on and on,
get enough of that indoctrinated with you WITH the arm of the law of God, according to Them, that Hellfire awaits any woman that
deviates, complains, even protests her treatment, for don't you know, she's the woman, the evil Eve, and should be punished to damnation,
of course, all in doing service for God's entitled male, bearing the god fetus, but when it all comes to the end
woman, will be exterminated with the rest of female earth.
IF you were to look and really pay attention to HOW scripture is twisted by MOST preachers, including women, who perpetuate,
that is exactly how it looks,
you begin to wonder, if Jesus even died for women.
IF, IF you do not know the Word of God, Satan can come in and lambast you into thinking that you truly are nothing to God,
and then, service to Christ, becomes obligation, not love, not out of love,
because, you have no value, what difference does it do if you contribute,
just shut your mouth, never complain, moan to boost your husband's big fat ego when HE demands sex [and if you burn too bad],
IF your asshole of a husband is ensnared by porn, well sister don't you know, the FIRST thing you must do, according to the majority of male preachers [and the women who perpetuate] is
ask yourself, if you complain, nag, whine.
and get this, if, after your passing or failing the CHURCH'S INQUISITION, if you are found
innocent at least of this, of course if you aren't attractive or blow like Linda Lovelace then you still may have some blame,
but they won't say that, they'll just give you that 'look', of not being that Godly submissive 'whore' wife,
and of course, patron motherly virtuous MARTYR saint who gives and gives and gives and then gives more to free work/volunteerism to the church [no wonder exploitation of women in economy is So easy to do, the church has mastered the art],
but, if you can half ass pass these tests, at least, in appearance [because they church will NEVER BELIEVE YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT--DAMN DON'T YOU KNOW YOU ARE THE CAUSE, EVIL WOMAN]
they'll go to the next woman to blame
Oh my gosh, don't you know, the MOTHER, is the second woman to blame, now yes, there ARE women, mothers who abuse, I know firsthand,
but to blame 'mommy dearest' for YOU being an abusive asshole, rapist, desire to rape which is all that PORN IS, ONE BIG FANTASY POWER TRIP THAT THRIVES ON POWER OR DESIRE TO RAPE THE WEAK,
is just pure crock.
Another typical male entitlement card,
but DARE a woman, come into a church, and say, she has issues from ole daddy asshole who took no thought when he raped her repeatedly [and probably was a deacon in the church all the while],
because then, its well dear,
don't you know, its a sin to hold bitterness and unforgiveness and why you should pray for him because he's wounded,
but to hell with YOUR WOUNDS,
you know, seriously,
I will NEVER, step foot in a church ever again, that preaches or protects, the male entitlement or misogyny.
IF one wants to subject themselves to that, why not just take a razor blade, cut off your clitoris and labia too, don on the full face Burka, whip yourself or flog yourself a few times, for repentance or take a trip to Iran or somewhere and take off that Burka and they'll flog/rape you and stone you for you,
and just BE DONE WITH IT.
The church says, our nation is in danger of falling prey to Islam because of the left, because of cultural relativists, because of our screwed up liberal government,
true, to a POINT,
because this nation, already has the misogynist submit never defy authority even if that authority is evil as Satan himself,
all in the name of Christ--RELIGION.
Complimentarism to a T,
all that so many women will have to do, in those fundamentalist and misogynist churches, is simply,
exchange some clothing.
That is it,
because truth be known,
they are already under a form of Sharia Law,
its just more sinister, its sugar coated, its glossed over with twisting scripture and the males,
love it. Oh they love it,
no wonder, they love to claim the scripture, that one where it says, has God not called you gods,
can't recall where its at, but now it makes sense, why the male church, loves that scripture so much.
Honestly, the more I seek, the harder it is, to actually reveal to any who dare to read, that God is not some male supermale ego/male supremacist misogynist,
because the indoctrination is THAT DEEP,
even my soul, as I seek, has been unreconcillably damaged, from years of suffering abuse at the hands of Godly men,
and women. Women I might add, who were already walking dead, by abuse, at the hands of MEN.
So I have come to the conclusion,
the Curse, due to sin,
patriarchy was NOT God's plan,
it was Man's.
It was the foundation, for MALE ENTITLEMENT.
the Government, of man, for man,
that even usurps itself over GOD,
by demanding its subjects [woman] to bow down on her knees to the gods, the men gods,
submitting to him, no matter what,
if God says otherwise, the man's word, goes above GOD.
Isn't that nice,
I wonder,
what GOD is going to say, to HIS COMPETITION,
According to the male entitlement/misogyny still embraced, the SIN OF MISOGYNY, in the majority of churches today,
I guess we, women won't know,
because we're so evil, don't you know, even if we do accept Christ's death on the cross, we will never get in Heaven,
not unless, our HUSBANDS,
give us permission.
Think about it
[note: it is Time, for women, who love Jesus Christ, to confront the church, to hold them accountable, for the SIN OF MISOGYNY AND THE SIN OF PATRIARCHY, because they ARE SINS,
they are totally contrary to Jesus Christ,
until we do, we have NO PLACE, in confronting other political or religious beliefs, that are misogynist or oppress women.]
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