read the entire thing...
also, the march AND the petition, thank you Green Consciousness for sharing...I posted them on the other blog, have not posted on here until now [somewhat working more on the other blog]
also see in UK--
note: I see NOW organization is finally waking up, WOW!!! :) ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME, but I do want to say [and I'm writing about this on the other blog]
I am FURIOUS with the Pope, the rape of a nine year old girl [Brazil] by her sorry ass stepfather, she is pregnant with twins, some people help her in getting abortion [because at 80lbs it would have killed her to carry to term and this bastard has been raping her since she was six],
and the Church [Catholic] says, the stepfather won't be excommunicated but the ones who helped the girl will be, for helping her to an abortion,
that shit just irks me to no end and you know, HELL will be full of asswipe MEN like them, seriously, OH, but anyway, if I write on it my head will literally explode,
but they are right, we DO NEED TO KEEP UP CONFRONTING THE FUNDAMENTALISM AND THE MISOGYNY IN ALL RELIGIONS, though not systematic to the extent--they are just as EVIL, I repeat, EVIL,
not only that, they are blatantly AND DIABOLICALLY WRONG BASED EVEN ON SCRIPTURE,
even in the most patriarchal of Old Testament, there was NEVER the tolerance to the misogyny there is today, it went on, yes, but it was always punished, by God Himself, its just amazing how 'those little bits' are deliberately neglected, which, come to think of it, I will post a really, really good article on this, by one who really knows Old Testament law, how the laws have been distorted by misogynist men to rationalize and justify all forms of HATE CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN,
well anyway, this I thought was a brilliant on the point article on the REAL website so I'm posting it here...
The Nonsense of Negotiating with Supremacists
While many in the West for years have claimed that they “won’t negotiate with terrorists,” negotiating with supremacists is quite a different issue with some government leaders today, especially when they can control the public discussion enough with euphemisms to hide the fact that they are negotiating with supremacists.
But what exactly do you negotiate with supremacists about? Certainly not ideology, because supremacists are non-negotiable on their anti-freedom ideologies. So you are only left with negotiating about tactics, which is a particularly dangerous route when you are in denial and unwilling to define the threat and its ideology and unwilling to develop a strategy that addresses the overall ideological threat and enemy.
This remains the position of America’s government leadership when it comes to Islamic supremacism. Refusing to acknowledging the ideology of Islamic supremacism, such American government leadership’s focus jumps from country to country, group to group, situation to situation, throwing money and tactics to try to address the endless actions of Islamic supremacists’ terrorist and political activities. A “war of euphemisms” forbids discussion on the “why” or the ideology behind such actions, focusing only on the tactics of the day, and the endless parade of details on “who, what, where, when” — always ignoring “why.” Such a desperate position of weakness devolves into a mere “whack-a-mole” approach of throwing whatever tactics sound good that day at the latest “crisis.” Such American governmental leaders are so under the control of “the crises” that they have resorted to discussions on negotiating with Islamic supremacists, trying any tactic to try to “make things work.” Moreover, the appeaser influence in the foreign relations community is so pervasive that they have an endless parade of testimony and spin-doctoring of reports on facts about Islamic supremacism, to ignore history, ignore the 9/11 Commission report, and ignore anything that doesn’t buttress the idea that hand-wringing negotiations with Islamic supremacism is somehow a good and positive idea.
So what are America’s federal government leaders willing to sacrifice in terms of supremacist tactics to reduce supremacist terrorism?
Equality? Liberty? Human rights? Morality? Are these nothing more than bargaining chips with supremacists who threaten to use terrorist tactics?
Can you imagine if America’s federal government had decided to choose to negotiate with political “white supremacists” on tactics to stop white supremacist terrorism? Would it have been acceptable if America’s federal government negotiated with white supremacists to maintain segregated schools, public activities, and businesses, if “political” white supremacist leaders agreed to ask the KKK to stop blowing up black churches and stopped killing civil rights workers? Would such “peace negotiations” with supremacists have been morally acceptable to a nation committed to equality and liberty? And is there anyone so unschooled in American history to believe that such negotiations to institutionalize supremacism would have not led to even more supremacists and eventually more terrorism? In fact, Americans know from history that the Civil War was not enough. It took 100 years more of struggle to ultimately reach the national ideological confrontation with white supremacism to show the courage of our national convictions, and prove that we are a nation that believes that “all men are created equal.”
Is that commitment and sacrifice for sale now by those who would negotiate with Islamic supremacists?
Do they, like the infamous Neville Chamberlain, believe that they can trade away land, human rights, hope for oppressed people, by letting supremacists grow in power and influence with the pleading hope that it will mean less terrorist threats for America? History also shows how those who sought to negotiate with Aryan supremacist Nazis fared, and the global tragic consequences for such moral failures to be responsible for equality and liberty. History shows that the appeasers of that generation, those who sought “peace for our time” at any price, allowed the Holocaust to happen, and allowed an ideology of supremacism to grow to where it could threaten not only Europe, but also attack the entire world. Every high school graduate knows this basic lesson in history.
But America’s federal government leaders who seek negotiations with Islamic supremacists believe none of this history applies, and the lessons learned from those who sacrificed to defend equality and liberty should be ignored. Moreover, they will insist they are not fighting a threat of “Islamic supremacists,” but merely a misunderstanding with some “extremists,” “fundamentalists,” “takfiri,” or whatever the euphemism of the day is. Furthermore, each Islamic supremacist group is different they argue, with regional issues and grievances, and therefore we should disregard the endless calls for the creation of a global Islamic supremacist caliphate, instead focusing on “local solutions” for isolated incidents. Should you point to the obvious, such government leaders will call upon an army of appeasers in the foreign policy community to spin their latest “engagement” report that says so. Rather than facing the facts, they create their own facts in a growing industry of appeasement that will brook no dissent.
4. We Won’t Take It Anymore - Supremacists and Their Appeasers Will Make Sure of That
Those who support such appeasement of Islamic supremacism are dependent on the silence of the American public on these outrages. They feel empowered when they can make such outrageous claims as calling for “reconciliation” with Islamic supremacists without massive public demand for their resignation or impeachment. They feel untouchable when they can publish and broadcast reports about a “good Taliban,” without public outcry from our veterans, their families, and the American people. They are counting on Americans to be so focused on economic and personal crises that they do not have the time, resources, or leadership to rebut their outrageous reports and actions. They believe the distraction and silence of the American people is our acquiescence and acceptance.
Their house of cards built on appeasing supremacism and “newthink” words such as “good” or “moderate” supremacism is going to fall. While the stewing outrage of the American public has not yet hit the boiling point, a movement to restore our national responsibility for equality and liberty is on the horizon. What the appeasers have not yet realized is that there is a growing number of Americans who have had enough, and are working tirelessly in their efforts to regain the leadership of America’s government and restore America’s image to the world as a people responsible for equality and liberty.
The endless series of outrageous activities and comments by those who appease Islamic supremacism are frustrating to those who are responsible for equality and liberty. But like Al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks on America, the appeasers are also overreaching. The appeasers have miscalculated on how a reduced focus on Iraq and a greater emphasis on Afghanistan and Pakistan, the homes of the Taliban that aided Al-Qaeda attacks on America, would play to public opinion with calls for appeasement on Islamic supremacism. The appeasers have misjudged the influence of UK diplomats calling for supremacist “engagement” versus the numbers of Americans rightly concerned about UK’s history of appeasement of Islamic supremacism translating into growing threats towards American homeland security.
Disgraces by Islamic supremacist appeasers involving Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the United Kingdom may begin to lead to the tipping point in driving the America public and other free people to activism. As CNN trumpets negotiations with the “good Taliban,” the national nausea over appeasers in the mainstream media and in American government is growing, and more and more consciences are being awakened.
Ultimately, this is why supremacists and their appeasers will always fail, and this is why those in support of the inalienable human rights of equality and liberty will always succeed. As America declared in 1776 in its Declaration of Independence, and as civilized nations agreed 60 years ago with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, equality and liberty are inalienable human rights. Free people recognize that supremacist ideologies — by opposing equality and liberty – also oppose humanity itself. These truths are indeed self-evident, and all supremacist ideologies are dependent on the lie that denies these self-evident truths.
The ever-controlling supremacist ideologies are also dependent on one other factor that will always destroy them… they must always have MORE. As an ideology that seeks to control every aspect of human life and thought, supremacists must always have MORE. So in the surrender of Pakistan in implementing strict Sharia law in its northwest, Islamic supremacist Sufi Mohammad was not content - he had to denounce democracy, he was compelled to call for Islamic supremacist rule over all of the Earth. This example of the endless demands of Islamic supremacists can be seen also in the history of other supremacists. The Aryan Nazi supremacists were not just content in controlling all of Germany, then part of Europe, but were compelled to seek nothing less than to dominate the world. The history of American white supremacists shows that they were not content in merely controlling the voting rights of black Americans, or having segregated schools and public facilities, or institutionalizing white supremacism in society and business, they also had to kill black Americans worshipping in their own churches and attack black Americans who dared to seek their civil rights. Their sick lie of supremacism perverts their humanity — making them nothing more than soulless creatures that live only by the endless destruction, control, and dehumanization of others. They are truly the dark side of the human experience. But in their endless demand for MORE, supremacists always sow the seeds of their own destruction, and the disgrace of those who appeased them.
The world is not enough for supremacists - they must own your heart, your mind, your very soul. Their dark lie denying equality and liberty is so huge that they must paint every aspect of the world with their dark lie to prevent even a crack of the light of equality and liberty from shining in and reawakening the memory of humanity’s inalienable rights. But they will always lose their hopeless battle in denying who and what humanity is - equal and free. The light of truth will always shine again.
We know how this will ultimately end. History has shown the answer over and over again. Supremacists always overreach and destroy themselves. The words and actions of cowardly supremacist appeasers live on in infamy in history. Those who defy supremacism are remembered as champions of equality and liberty.
But every day that Islamic supremacists grow stronger and more powerful, more lives are lost, more people are oppressed, more helpless suffer as victims.
It is not enough to wait for supremacism to ultimately fall.
Those responsible for equality and liberty must demand an end it to it. This is a responsibility that all free men and women must bravely undertake and carry on the battle for freedom that our forefathers started before us. It is our turn to carry the torch of truth about humanity’s right to equality and liberty against those who seek to cloak the world in a fog of appeasement and against those who seek to darken the earth with the evil of supremacism.
Will you join those who are responsible for equality and liberty?
Fear No Evil.
[Postscript - see also Sources documents for additional reading and background information.]
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